"use strict"; var filterizd; var isMobile = false, isTablet = false, isLaptop = false; (function ($) { jQuery(document).ready(function () { function detectDevice() { if (window.innerWidth <= 425) { isMobile = true; isTablet = false; isLaptop = false; } else if (window.innerWidth <= 768) { isMobile = false; isTablet = true; isLaptop = false; } else { isMobile = false; isTablet = false; isLaptop = true; } } detectDevice(); // ======= Adjust height of the post cards ============= function adjustPostCardsHeight() { if (!isMobile) { // no need to adjust height for mobile devices let postCardHolder = document.getElementById("post-cards"); if (postCardHolder == null ){ return } let el = postCardHolder.children; let maxHeight = 0; for (let i = 0; i < el.length; i++) { if (el[i].children[1].clientHeight > maxHeight) { maxHeight = el[i].children[1].clientHeight; } } for (let i = 0; i < el.length; i++) { el[i].children[1].setAttribute("style", "min-height: " + maxHeight + "px;") } } } adjustPostCardsHeight(); // ============= Sidebar Tree ================ function buildSidebarMenu() { var openedClass = "fa-minus-circle"; var closedClass = "fa-plus-circle"; // initialize top level var tree = $("#tree"); // add expand icon to those li who has ul as children tree.find("li").has("ul").each(function () { var branch = $(this); branch.prepend(''); branch.on('click', function (e) { if (this.children[1] == e.target) { // toggle "expand" class and icon branch.toggleClass("expand"); var icon = $(this).children('i:first'); icon.toggleClass(openedClass + " " + closedClass); } }); }); // remove "expnad" class from siblings of the clicked item tree.find("li").on("click", function () { var item = $(this); var shiblings = item.siblings().each(function () { var sibling = $(this); if (sibling.hasClass("expand")) { sibling.removeClass("expand"); var icon = sibling.children('i:first'); icon.toggleClass(openedClass + " " + closedClass); } }); }); // focus the cliked item tree.find("a").on("click", function () { // clear other focused link tree.find("a.focused").each(function () { $(this).removeClass("focused"); }); // focus cliked link $(this).addClass("focused"); }); } buildSidebarMenu(); // initialize filterizr filterizd = $(".filtr-container").filterizr({ layout: 'sameWidth' }); }); })(jQuery); // toggle sidebar on click function toggleSidebar() { document.getElementById("sidebar").classList.toggle("hide"); document.getElementById("content").classList.toggle("overley"); // if it is mobile device. then scroll to top. if (isMobile && $("#sidebar").hasClass("hide")) { document.body.scrollTop = 0; document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0; } setTimeout(function () { filterizd.filterizr('sort'); }, 300); }