const body = document.body; const darkModeToggle = document.getElementById('dark-mode-toggle'); const darkModeMediaQuery = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'); // Check if user preference is set, if not check value of body class for light or dark else it means that colorscheme = auto if (localStorage.getItem("colorscheme")) { setTheme(localStorage.getItem("colorscheme")); } else if (body.classList.contains('colorscheme-light') || body.classList.contains('colorscheme-dark')) { setTheme(body.classList.contains("colorscheme-dark") ? "dark" : "light"); } else { setTheme(darkModeMediaQuery.matches ? "dark" : "light"); } if (darkModeToggle) { darkModeToggle.addEventListener('click', () => { let theme = body.classList.contains("colorscheme-dark") ? "light" : "dark"; setTheme(theme); rememberTheme(theme); }); } darkModeMediaQuery.addListener((event) => { setTheme(event.matches ? "dark" : "light"); }); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { let node = document.querySelector('.preload-transitions'); node.classList.remove('preload-transitions'); }); function setTheme(theme) { body.classList.remove('colorscheme-auto'); let inverse = theme === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark'; body.classList.remove('colorscheme-' + inverse); body.classList.add('colorscheme-' + theme);['color-scheme'] = theme; function waitForElm(selector) { return new Promise(resolve => { if (document.querySelector(selector)) { return resolve(document.querySelector(selector)); } const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { if (document.querySelector(selector)) { resolve(document.querySelector(selector)); observer.disconnect(); } }); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); }); } if (theme === 'dark') { const message = { type: 'set-theme', theme: 'github-dark' }; waitForElm('.utterances-frame').then((iframe) => { iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(message, ''); }) } else { const message = { type: 'set-theme', theme: 'github-light' }; waitForElm('.utterances-frame').then((iframe) => { iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(message, ''); }) } function sendMessage(message) { const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe.giscus-frame'); if (!iframe) return; iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ giscus: message }, ''); } sendMessage({ setConfig: { theme: theme, }, }); // Create and send event const event = new Event('themeChanged'); document.dispatchEvent(event); } function rememberTheme(theme) { localStorage.setItem('colorscheme', theme); }